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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Xenology star trek

7. 1. Klingons The Klingon race, being based on a warrior society, whose concepts are based on dedication to duty and strife for honour. Klingons would prefer to die in battle, a glorious death, for family and empire. This is closely related to the concepts of the Samurai. The well-statured warrior race has a genetic predisposition to hostility, but the culture's warrior ethic runs so deep that rivals in war can meet and drink as equal fighters for periods of time before or after battles. During these get-togethers, a great deal of growling, wrestling, snarling and generally loud revelry takes place, Klingons seeming to derive tremendous satisfaction from drinking with their enemies on the night before a battle. A true warrior fights to the death and would rather be killed than taken hostage - an act which brings dishonour on himself and his family for three generations. Their scientists are not highly regarded in the culture.
In the traditional sense, the Klingon people hold honour above life - although as with any culture, high-level politics and personal gain get in the way. In Klingon culture, lower-ranked officers consider it a duty to kill off a superior who is perceived as weak.
Viewed through their Spartan perspective, illness (especially terminal) is not honourable; one is not supposed to faint, at least as an adult, thus such cases are left to die - or to perform the ritual suicide
In the The Original Series, the Klingons were portrayed as an adversary. Starfleet represented the United States and the Klingons the USSR: the series represented an analogy of this struggle between the super powers of the time.
The Klingons developed in the Star Trek culture from minor recurring alien race to starfleet's worst but most popular enemy: thus, scriptwriters invented rituals, customs and even a whole language (which consists mainly of consonants - this sounds harsh enough to fit the aggressive Klingons)

7. 2. Vulcans
A humanoid race, with copper-based blood and notably pointed ears, they are typically stronger than Humans though they do not boast of this strength. The Vulcans are responsible in a large part for the founding of the Federation. They have developed a culture dedicated to the complete mastery of logic, learning to suppress their once-violent emotions in nearly every aspect of their existence. In ancient times, Vulcans were a war-like race, thus civil wars nearly lead to their extinction.

7. 3. Romulans
The Romulans, whose name derives from their homeplanets Romulus and Remus are an offshoot of the Vulcan species. Although descended from the same ancestors as the Vulcans, the Romulans are surprisingly different than their distant cousins both in physiology and in behavioral customs. The race claims to be the highest developped race in the galaxy and therefore still believes in discarding genetically or physically inferior infants.


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