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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

White fang

Short Summary Two men are out in the wild of the north. Their dogs disappear as they are lured by a she-wolf and eaten by the pack. They only have three bullets left and Bill, one of the men, uses them to try to save one of their dogs; he misses and is eaten with the dog. Only Henry and two dogs are left and he makes a fire, trying to drive away the wolves. They came very close, and he gets almost killed but is saved by a company of men who were traveling nearby.
The wolves are in the midst of a famine. They prowl through the landscape, lead by several wolves beside the she-wolf, and when they finally find food the pack starts to split up. The she-wolf mates with one of the wolves and has a litter of pups but only one survives after several more famines.
They come to an Indian village where the she-wolf\'s (who is actually half-wolf, half-dog) master is. He catches her again and White Fang, her pup, follows her. Soon, she is sold to another Indian, while White Fang stays with Gray Beaver, her master. The other dogs of the village terrorize White Fang, especially one named Lip-lip.
White Fang becomes more and more vicious, encouraged by his master who often beats him. White Fang even kills other dogs. When Gray Beaver goes to Fort Yukon to trade and begins to drink a lot, White Fang is passed into the hands of Beauty Smith, who organizes dog-fights. White Fang meets his match in a bulldog and is saved by a man named Scott.
Scott tames White Fang and takes him to California. There, White Fang learns to love his master and his master\'s family and even saves Scott\'s father from a criminal that escaped from the nearby prison. Finally White Fang has puppies with Collie, one of the master\'s dogs, and lives a happy life.


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