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What do i need to get started?

Nearly every household has a computer these days. In the time of multimedia the PC or Mac is able to arrange presentations, calculations and well organized texts. As easy as this, it is to get access to the Internet. Only a few things are needed.

3.1 Hardware Requirements
The only thing you need beside your computer is a modem. A modem is the key to the vast resources. Modems can transfer datas out of the big networks of the Internet. The transferring rate can reach 115.500 bauds with 56.000 kps (kilobytes per second). The cost of an Internet connection varies tremendously with your location and the kind of connection that is appropriate to your needs.
Right now, the development of ISDN offers the user an access rate of 64.000 kps to the Web. This is a very high rate and makes Internet surfing to a fantastic experience.

3.2 Software Requirements
As soon as you are registered to an commercial online service, you can use a simple understandable software, which is based on Windows 9x or Windows NT.
The most important part of the online software is the Internet browser. This is the door to the wide world of information. Today, the most used browser is the Microsoft Explorer 5.0 and the Netscape Navigator 4.7. They offer you easy access to the Internet. With additional software, you are able to get the whole multimedia features, like Internet phone or voice mail. These additional software is called \"Plug-In\", like Real Audio.


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