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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Tiere in neu seeland

Animals in New Zealand r / In New Zealand there are a lots of different animals,

like the

- Black swan

- Bluebottle

- John Dory

- Hedgehog

- Stoat

- Tuatara

- Seals

- Penguins

- Kiwi and many,many more

I\'m going to tell you some more things about 3 animals.

1 .The Black swan is an Australian bird,that immigrated to New Zealand and Sweden.

The adult female (weibl.) is called a pen,the adult male (männl.) is called a cob and the baby is called a cygnet.They can be 1meter and 20 cm long.

They make honking (geschrei der Wildgänse) and hissing (zischen) noises.

Black Swans fly in a V and can fly up to 80 km/h.

2. Bluebottles live in warm seas and are poisonous.These animals are called the Man-of-War, because they look like a Portuguese battleship with a sail.The body is about 9-30 cm long.If you get touched by a bluebottle, it can be very panfull,because you get stung by its tentacles.

3. The brown Kiwi is a flightless bird from New Zealand.You can still find 6 different kinds of these birds.It is the national icon from New Zealand.This bird lives in forests,grasslands and farmlands.It is about the size of a chicken and can live up to 40 years.The kiwifruit is named after the kiwi bird.

To those outside of China, the fruit was known as the \"Chinese Gooseberry.\" In the 1960\'s, the fruit was renamed \"kiwifruit\" due (aufgrund) to its similar appearance (Erscheinung) to the national bird of New Zealand, the kiwi bird, which is a brown, fuzzy, funny-looking, round bird.

People say,that the Kiwi is a fitting national icon,because it is a unique (einmalig) bird in a unique place.

I New Zealand there is a famous zoo called Wellington Zoo.You can find it in Newtown in Wellington.It is named after the city Wellington.It is one of the oldest and biggest zoos in New Zealand.It was opened in 1906 and now there live 400-450 animals from New Zealand and from all over the world.

They have lots of different animals like:

- Giraffes

- Lions

- Malayan Sun Bears

- Red Pandas

- Sumatra Tigers

- Zebras

- Spider Monkeys

- Brown Kiwis

- Emus and many,many more ...


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