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The republican party

III.1 History, political Direction, and Projects

The Republican Party, also known as Grand Old Party (GOP), exists since February 28, 1854. At the beginning the most members were from the Free Soil Party and the American Party, and their policies were equal to the policies of the Whig Party. The reason for the unification was an important matter: the fight against slavery.

Their first meeting was summoned on July 6, 1854, and their first nominee for President was John C. Frémont with his slogan: \"Free soil, free labor, free speech, free men, Fremont.\"[9] He lost the vote but the party became approved. In 1860 Abraham Lincoln became the first Republican President of the U.S. The members of the party tried to pass different changes in the law during the American Civil War in that they fought against slavery and for the African-Americans' permission to vote.

Jeanette Rankin, the first woman in Congress was also a Republican and the result of the engagement of the party to give women the right to vote.

The Republican Party is more conservatively directed than the Democrats and wants to abolish abortion and to ban homosexual marriages. That is the reason why so many religious and conservative people vote for them.

The official symbol of the party is an elephant in blue, white and red. It is similar to the Flag of the United States of America with the white stars on the blue background.

When we talk about Republicans and California we have to mention the California Young Republicans (CYR), an initiative for young people from age 18 to 40 who want to share their political interests with others all over the state and who want to learn more about politics and parties, especially about the Republican Party. The CYR intends to provide these people with an understanding of the Republican policy and gives them the opportunity to meet famous Republicans. Their members are involved in volunteer work and public service. With this group the Republicans are promoting new voters for their party.

III.2 Famous Republicans

The most famed Republican is Abraham Lincoln who, as I already stated above, was the American President from 1861 to 1865. He was the first Republican President of the U.S and abolished slavery after the Civil War. He was murdered five days after the capitulation of the Confederate armies.

The third Republican President was Rutherford B. Hayes, who is one of only three who lost the popular vote but nevertheless won the election because of one electoral vote. He was in office for 8 years. (1869-1877).

Dwight David Eisenhower, his nickname was Ike, was a General of Army during the World War II, and after that became President in 1953. At first he did not belong to any party and refused some proposals to become President, but in the end he presented himself as a candidate for the Republican Party.

Another famed Republican was Ronald Reagan, who was like Arnold Schwarzenegger a Governor of California. He was President from 1981 to 1989. After the turmoil years of the 60\'s and 70\'s, he reestablished the national pride again.

His successor, George H. W. Bush, the father of the current President, was also a Republican. When the Cold War ended he was in office. His term was 4 years, hence lasted only one legislative period. He was the one who initiated the first Gulf War.

As aforesaid is George W. Bush the US President, the son of George H. W. Bush. He is in office since 2001 and led America again in a Gulf War against Iraq because of terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre taken part on September 11, 2001. Bush, jr. managed it to reunite the nation again after this incidence.

Other Republican Presidents of America were: Gerald R. Ford, Richard M. Nixon, Herbert C. Hoover, Calvin Coolidge, Warren G. Harding, William Howard Taft, Theodore Roosevelt, William McKinley, Benjamin Harrison, Chester A. Arthur, James A. Garfield and Ulysses S. Grant.[10]

Also many celebrities belong to the Republican Party. There are singers like Britney Spears and Jessica Simpson, and actors like Denzel Washington, Mel Gibson and Bruce Willis and many more.


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