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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

The remains of the day - miss kenton from 1922 - 1936

characterization Characterize Miss Kenton as she appears to be in the years 1922 - 1936 Miss Kenton is the former head housemaid of Darlington Hall; she and Stevens\'s father were hired at the same time. Just like Stevens, Miss Kenton turns out to be one of the best in her duties, therefore Miss Kenton is equal in efficiency and intelligence to Stevens, but she has a warmth and personality, which Stevens is never able to show in public. One can see her professionalism, when Stevens's father dies and she keeps calm and takes care of him, so Stevens can continue his work downstairs, and handle his fathers death the way he is used to, or the way he learned to do. An example for Miss Kenton's warmth and personality is shown, when Miss Kenton first starts working at Darlington Hall. She brings flowers into Stevens\'s pantry, trying to brighten it up. However, Stevens rejects Miss Kenton\'s efforts to make the staff's quarters look more comfortable to live in.

     Due to her nature of fighting for her views in life, the two disagree over household affairs with great frequency. Initially, these battles of common sense only underline the affection the two feel for each other. A good example for this can be seen, when Miss Kenton, unlike Stevens, does not substitute Lord Darlington\'s values for her own - she makes decisions based on her own thoughts and beliefs. In this sense, she demonstrates more dignity and self-confidence than Stevens ever does. On regular bases she is able to talk to him openly about her feelings, just as she did in the summerhouse. Nevertheless, as the years progress, Miss Kenton grows more and more tired of Stevens\'s irritating and his pretending not to show any personal feelings at all.

     She finally leaves Darlington Hall in order to marry Mr Benn because it is clear that Stevens will never let himself express his feelings towards her. To sum it all up, one could say, Miss Kenton is the female counterpart to Stevens. Both take pride in their tasks, however, Miss Kenton does not forget about her own life and ideals. Nowadays, she could be found as a manager in a big company, but still be able to connect and control private and business life


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