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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Robert woodruff & the "new" santa claus

Ernest Woodruff had a son named Robert, and it appears that he was somewhat of a disappointment to his father. Robert was a terrible student; he flunked out of high school, and ended up going to military school. His father then offered him a job within one of his companies, and since Robert was planning to get married he took the job. Robert was offered the presidency of the Coca-Cola Company.
By the 1920's people began driving cars and so Woodruff realised that gas stations should be equipped in order to attract people to buy Coca-Cola while tanking up their cars. By the 1930's they advertised on radio, gave Coke away at movie sets, employed sports heroes and even Santa Claus.
In 1936 Woodruff was invited to the Olympic Games in Berlin. He was the guest of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi-elite. Robert Woodruff saw clearly the politics of Hitler, but he was a pragmatist, and his politics were Coca-Cola.
He retired in 1955, but he continued to remain on the Finance Committee, and from there he ruled the company. He died in the 1980's but Woodruff was always the one with the power. Over the years Coke would see many new advertising campaigns and would introduce such new drinks as Sprite, TaB, Mello Yello, Mr. Pibb and Fresca.


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