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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Poe's life and works in context

Poe\'s life is often described in his short stories and letters, especially the long beginnings of his stories are typical for the author. It sometimes seems like that Poe\'s biography is a story written by himself. During his childhood many members of the family have died, these circumstances strongly influenced him and his style of writing.

His father was known as a drinker, also Poe suffered a little from alcohol. His mother and brother always stayed ill, both died of tuberculosis and his sister was mentally handicapped. But it would be wrong to say that Edgar was also mentally handicapped due to his genetic heritage. Poe was often considered to be crazy but this can be denied.

True is that he often suffered from sudden unconsciousness but the name of his illness today is unknown.

Here are more facts which influenced his style:

As the son of an actor he was defied, this status was considered as iferior, he lived in poor conditions. The rapid changes of his social staus during his life also have influenced his style. But it shouldn\'t be forgotten that Poe

has had a very good school education while he was under the authority of the Allans. He spoke latin and french and was good in history and literature. Certainly, Poe\'s abilities didn\'t only come from his circumstances he had also much talent. It\'s the mixture of a hard childhood, intelligence and talent which make Poe so interesting to read.


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