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Ku klux klan (kkk) artikel

\"Ku Klux Klan\": The \"Ku Klux Klan\", from the greek \"kuklos\", (\"circle\" or \"wheel\"), is a \"fraternal organization\". This one grew out of the Civil War in America to protect the white race and preserve \"voluntary separation\" of the races, and even an end of Blacks, Catholics, and Jews.

They are well known, the disguised hooded Klansmen, in their white sheets, posing as ghosts of dead Confederate soldiers, with their blazing torches burning large wooden crosses in a \"circle\", to terrorize and kill Blacks, just for the sake of being Blacks...

... \"we don\'t burn crosses, we light them\", they claim, \"and it is a religious celebration and ceremony, not an act of desecration\"... with a violent history, including lynchings, murders, and bombings.

The Ku Klux Klan was founded in Polaski, Tennessee, in 1866 by 6 Confederate officers. One of them, and the first leader of the KKK, was an old Confederate general and Freemason, Nathan Bedford Forrest (after whom Forrest was named).

... the KKK was known as the \"Invisible Empire of the South\"... in 1869 Forrest ordered the Empire to disband because of the extreme violence.

But in 1915 there was the rebirth of the KKK,

just after the film \"The rebirth of a Nation\" where Klansmen were romantically portrayed as heroes who had preserved the moral character of America... this time, W.J. Simmons, was the founder. By the mid-1920s they controlled some states such as Indiana from the courthouse to the statehouse. Almost all of the top officials of the revived Klan were Masons, with a total of 5 million members, most of them Masons and white Protestants, with several Senators and Governors.

- By 1944 the KKK collapsed because of tax dues. After the second world war, the Klan revived, but the population was against the KKK and so in 1947, the third Klan collapsed, too.

But there were always a few supporter of the Ku Klux Klan. By 1954, they fighted against the civic rights movement. After it stopped, the KKK grew up and got more supporters. At the end of the eighties, the organisation had about 5000 members.

Is the last decade till today, the Klan fights against Blacks, Homosexuals and supporters of abortion. Till 1996, the Klan burned down more than 160 churches of black parishs.

The Ku Klux Klan is still active. Not only in America, but also in Germany. The members also commit crimes "in the name is Jesus" in Germany in co-operation with right-wing extremists.

From a Klan-Forum:

Posting 1: I think its very sad that almost 50% of our country now will give up & let Gays marry.What happen to our Churches?i see no groups standing in numbers from Churches.I love our Lord,its sad his Son Christ was beat,spit on & killed because he was the Son of God.People can you even think of sitting in Church next to same sex couples holding hands.What do we tell our kids?Im not blaming this on the Church,but I would like to add that I would not attend any Church that will marry GAYS.If a church does this get out ,for God doesnt no them.......I think its time for all races & Churches to stop this...I think this is so sad I have kids that will live in the times of GAYS.I was on several chat sites about this issue.Gays told me they couldnt help what God made them be...>I wanted to puke,blame God because they are Gay....Im 40 yrs old and this is the sickest thing Ive seen in my 40 yrs.Did anyone ever dream 50% of the Usa would allow Gays.I never even seen a Gay when i grew up in OHIO. Im glad that OHIO has banned Gay marriage. Thank you Gov,TAFT. May we all pray that these sick people dont bring there illness to our Churches.Also most Gays dont believe in GOD....What will happen to our health care?



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