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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Jacques lusseyran

And There Was Light The autobiography of a blind hero in the French Résistance

Jacques Lusseyran

Jacques is the acting person and the author of the book.

He was born at the 19th September 1924 in Paris. His parents carried him along. When he was eight years old he lost his sight in an accident. Now he was blind.

He learned to live with the blindness and he saw wonderful things inside which he had never seen before. He learned to see things in an other way.

Jacques went to school and learned the Braille, the writing of people without of sight. He had a very good Friend. His name was Jean. He also had many other friends. They were all great helps for Jacques. The 1st September 1939. Jacques was fifteen years old and the World War started. Because of his blindness he didn't had to go as a soldier. He was good informed about the government the political systems and alliance. Someone gave to the French people the order to hold resistance. When Jacques was sixteen, he decided to lead his school friends into resistance.

He built a group, which lived in underground. Six hundred boys follow the leader. They collected informations about the war and spread them. They fought against the German power.

Since they take part in the Résistance, their ability became better. They would rescue France. Everywhere the Nazis killed and tortured their enemies. They all were fearful. Seventeen persons of the Résistance network were arrested.

Their group \"Volontaires de la Liberté\" joined an other group \"Défense de la France\". Jacques was one of the leaders. Their weapon was the newspaper. They worked together with many French resistance groups. One day the German police came to Jacques and they arrested him and with him many other important members of the group also Jean. 1944 They were brought in a dusty train to Germany. They were treated like animals. They came to Buchenwald the biggest KZ in Germany. In Buchenwald were 100.000 prisoners.

All the arrested members from the underground organisation where brought to other places, but Jacques was back alone back in Buchenwald. They were terrible ill treated by the SS. Jacques was the consolation for prisoners. In the secret way they listened to the radio to get informations. The liberation of Europe was near, but the chance to survive was little for Jacques. The SS got the order, to kill all the people in Buchenwald. But then came expected the day. The American arrested one thousand and seven hundred Soldiers and Leaders of the SS.

Jacques Lusseyran died 1971 in a car accident.


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