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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

How to recognise a child... when is abused

4.1 ...who is sexually abused:r / r /> Behavioural changes are often one of the most common signs. These changes may include any or all of the following indications:
Sudden fear or refusal to spend time with someone the child has loved before or with a relative. On the same note a seemingly unreasonable fear or refusal to go to certain places. Some children run away from home, while others turn to drugs or alcohol. But also eating disorders and problems in school can be traced back to sexual abuse.
Nearly all abused children have nightmares, specially with murderers, who don't die, no matter what they do to them.
Sexually transmitted diseases, repetitive yeast or urinary infections may also be a clue and are unmistakable signs for an abuse if the child is under 14.
Most four or five year old don't care who sees them naked but victims of sexual abuse may hide from even their mother. But also artwork can often show signs of abuse. Excessive use of black and red as well as pictures showing violence and death are standing for pain and fear.

4.2 ...who is physically abused:

Signs of physical abuse are more obvious than all others. As soon as a child has unexplained repetitive bruises or injuries, it's important to watch it and suspect physical abuse.
Also bite marks, burns and fractures in unusual places are indicators.
The behaviour of those children is quite similar to those having been sexually abused. But they are also aggressive and hurt others, which is often a way to express their feelings.

4.3 ...who is emotionally abused:

As I mentioned at the beginning, it is quite difficult to recognise an emotionally abused child. Behavioural indicators are for example negative statements about itself, because it has lost all its self-confidence. The child may also be shy, passive and may be highly aggressive and cruel to others. There are also often lags in physical, mental and emotional development.
If non-family members see a parent, who verbally terrorises his or her child, it's important to keep an eye on them, because it could mean that the child is emotionally abused.


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