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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

From independence to the present day

A peace agrement was reached between the Republicans and the Irish goverment. This agreement devided the country into two self-govering areas Northern and Southern Ireland.

Northern Ireland (6 counties in Ulster) and Republic of Eire (23 counties + 3 in Ulster). The two new states had their own parliaments, but nevertheless Northern Ireland was part of United Kingdom.The IRA ( Irish Republic Army) refused to accept this devision and there was a civil war wich the new Irish goverement won.

Present Day

In 1937 De Valera created a new constitution.This document abolished the Irish Free State and established Eire as a "sovereign independent democratic state". The constitution provided for an elected president as head of state; a prime minister as head of government; and a two house legislature. In 1938 Douglas Hyde became the first president of Eire and De Valera became prime minister.

In 1949, the 30th anniversary of Easter Rebellion, Eire became the Repuplic of Ireland, formally free of alligance to the British crown. Northern Ireland status was confirmed as a part of the United Kingdom until the parliament chose otherwise. Sinn Fein and the IRA have never accepted this, the slight improvement in relations between Eire and Britain was marred by a violent terrorist campain in Britain. In 1962, in Northern Ireland major civil unrest began. In with a three-sidet conflict including the IRA, the British goverement and the UDA, a protestant para military group. Over three thousand people were killed when a cheasefire was declared in september 1994.

There have been important developements in Eire. It became a member of the European Community in 1972.. This had led to economic improvement and increased national confidence though unemployment, emigration and inflantation is still high. In 1991 the Treaty on European Union on Maastricht was signed.
( De Valera: The establishment of the autonomy of the Irish republic was predominated by his influence: 1th prime minister; 1959 elected president - after 7 years elected again - )
At the time of writing the prospects for peace are uncertain with a renewed IRA compain in London.


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