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Female genital mutilation

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is the term used to refer to the removal of part, or all, of the female genitalia. The most severe form is infibulation, also known as pharaonic circumcision, . 15 % of all mutilations are infibulations. The procedure consists of clitoridectomy (removal of the clitoris), excision (removal of the labia minora) and cutting of the labia majora to create raw surfaces, which are then held together. A small hole is left to allow urine and menstrual blood to escape.

The procedure is carried out at a variety of ages (shortly after birth to some time during the pregnancy). The average age is falling. Often the girls don't know what they have to expect.
Some girls undergo it alone, but it's generally done in groups (of sisters, relatives or neighbours). It's performed in the home of the girl or of some relatives, in a health centre or on a special, traditional place like under a tree or next to a river
Generally it's done by a professional exerciser with no medical training. Rich people can afford a doctor. Normally an elderly woman with failing eyesight, under poor lighting conditions with the use of a kitchen knife, razor blades, scissors, broken glass, sharp stones carries out the operation.
In some cultures girls are told to sit in cold water before to reduce the bleeding, but commonly no steps are taken to make this torture more bearable.
The legs are bound together for up to 40 days. The girls get pastes out of herbs and natural ingredients or in rare cases antiseptic powder in order to prevent infections
Female Genital Mutilation is ubiquitous in at least 28 countries of Africa.(85% of all genital mutilations are performed in Africa) It is also practised in parts of the Arab Peninsula and in regions of Asia. 6000 girls become victims each day.
Even in the United States 6 circumcisions are performed every day. Girls living in industrialised states are sometimes operated illegally by doctors of their own community. More frequently traditional exercises are brought into the country or the girls are sent abroad to be mutilated.

Physical effects
Pain, shock, haemorrhage, damage to the organs surrounding the clitoris, chronic infections, intermittent bleeding and abscesses.
Urine may be retained and serious infections may develop. There's a tremendously high risk of HIV because they use the same knives for many many girls without sterilisation.
Long-term effects: stones in the bladder and urethra, kidney damage, pelvic infections, infertility, excessive scar tissue and dermoid cysts.
Sexual intercourse can only take place after they are cut open. A study carried out in Sudan claimed that for 15 % of all women a cutting was necessary before their intercourse. Often it's done by their husbands. Since there's a wound the risk of a HIV infection increases even more.

Psychological effect
Anxiety, terror, humiliation. Some experts suggest that the shock and trauma of the operation makes the women appear calmer and more docile, which is considered positive in their societies.
The festivities that are in many cultures carried out because of a girl's circumcision may reduce the trauma triggered by the operation. It makes them feel proud that they are part of womanhood and ready to marry. In countries where only a minority practices this ritual, women feel particularly vulnerable to psychological problems, because they are between the tradition of their community and the social norms of the majority.

In some traditions a ceremony is held, but without the mutilation of the genitals. They hold the knife next to the genitals, cut some pubic hair or do a light scarification. This is followed by festivities and allows the girl to be part of the adulthood without being damaged.
In Eritrea 40% of the population wants the practice to end.
But generally there are no intentions to stop their traditions, because it's a deeply rooted ritual and the society thinks in such a rigid way that every girl that's not mutilated would feel like an outcast and would have no aspects in life.

Why FGM is practised

- Cultural identity
Customs and traditions are the most frequently announced reasons. FGM defines who is part of a group or society and is a symbol of becoming part of womanhood.
Many societies can't think of a girl that isn't mutilated. Such girl are generally outsiders or strangers.

- Gender identity
A mutilated girl is considered a complete woman and the practice marks the difference of the sex and their future role in life and marriage.
The clitoris and labia are seen as "male parts" of a woman's body and their removal is thought to define the gender absolutely. A non-mutilated woman is teased by her husband or he would never marry her and people say she's "like a man".

- control of women's sexuality and reproductive functions
FGM is believed to reduce women's desire for sex and so they reduce at the same time the risk of sex outside the marriage. In the case of infibulation a woman is only opened for her husband and afterwards sewn up again. This legitimates the man to control his wife's sexual intercourse. Unmutilated women are doubted to be faithful.

- hygiene, aesthetics and health
Popular terms for mutilation are purification or cleansing. Unmutilated women are regarded as unclean and are forbidden to handle food and water. Unmutilated genitals are considered as ugly. Some groups believe that a woman's clitoris is dangerous and that if it touches a man's penis he will die. The same fear is applied when the baby touches it during its birth.
It's also believed that the procedure enhances fertility and makes childbirth safer.

- Religion
FGM isn't practised by the majority of Muslims but when it is carried out by Muslims they cite religion frequently as a reason. The Qur'an does not contain any call for FGM, but a few statements are linked to it. E.g. the prophet is quoted to say "reduce but do not destroy".
Christian missionaries tried to discourage the practice but found it too deeply rooted. In some cases to keep their converts they ignored and even condoned the practice.

FGM in Austria
A study over 250 immigrant families in Austria says that 30% of them have daughters who are excised. The majority of them were operated in their countries but some of them were mutilated in Austria. Not only men but also women favour this tradition and according to the organisation of African women in Austria information work is more important than the penalty of 10 years imprisonment.


Founded in 2001 by Waris Dirie and its mission is to eliminate FGM in Somalia.

Its program:
- Medical Health Centre
A centre that is completely facilitated with medical equipment to deal with the many health problems facing the victims of FGM. It also teaches Somali women about Family Planning and gives advice to be better able to focus on their own personal family planning.

- Medical Mobile Units
Reaches areas in the desert and provides education for nomad families.

- Aids Education Workshop
In order to decrease the risk of HIV infection

- Health Guidance Class
School programs that teach about health and sex to both girls and boys so that they understand the form and functions of their bodies and that they understand that circumcision is harmful and wrong.

- FGM Educational Workshops
For teachers in their own country and abroad to make clear to them, that they can have an impact on the children and their future points of view.

- Transforming the Rites of Passage
Proposes alternative rituals to eliminate physical cutting and focuses on the celebration as the main aspect.

- Media Declaration and Advertising
Promotion in the media (newspapers, radio and television) throughout Somalia.

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