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Drugs -introduction

People have taken drugs for centuries, with fashion and availability dictating use. But in recent years, the availability of drugs has become more widespread, particularly with the advent of recreational drugs like ecstasy. Drug use is thought to have risen by 30% in the last five years. Use of hard drugs like heroin and cocaine, which are estimated to be used by 2% of the population, is also rising, as they become cheaper and more accessible.
Young people in Britain are reported to be taking up to five times more illegal drugs than their European counterparts - particularly ecstasy and amphetamines. As many as one in 12 12-year-olds is said to have taken drugs.
The Standing Conference on Drug Abuse says use of illegal drugs has increased eightfold among 15 year olds in the last 10 years and fivefold among 12 year olds. Some problems with drugs are caused by the fact that users mix drugs which have different effects or they take drugs which are cut with other substances.
New drugs are always emerging on the UK scene. One of the latest is \"Ice\". Originating in the Far East, it is reported that illegal laboratories in the UK are producing it.
Even when there are serious consequences to their use - of tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, heroin or any of the other multitudes of chemicals available - those consequences will not always make a person want to stop using their drug of choice. If and when they do decide to give up - they may find that it is harder than they thought.


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