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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Don't leave me, sweet dream... to remember your dreams >
. You must have the right attitude towards your dreams! Take your dreams seriously, if you are unsure about their importance and signification your conciousness has no reason to store them up.

. Compose a fixed resolution! Think of dreaming every morning and evening. But do not produce any pressure! In particular before going to bed you have to free your dream-resolution, compulsion chases the memories away.

. Write down what you saw, felt and heard! Found a dream-diary and try to write down everything you can remember. It is easier to interpret your dream then and actually even the resolution of writing down your dreams has a stimulating effect.

. Caution, alarm clocks! Alarm clocks supply the brain with new information and oust the dream-memories.

. Take your time! Stay in bed for some more relaxed minutes after awaking. Don\'t jump out of bed right away and don\'t look right into the sunlight. It puts out the memories too.

. Share your dreams with others! Talk with a person you know well and tell him /her your dream. By telling dreams you learn to see it from another point of view.


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