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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Bushfire in tinley area

They only wanted to make a trip through the bush, but then everything ended in a disaster. Three boys went to Barkley by train and then they started to walk through the bush. They felt happy and free. When they made a fire to cook, they began to feel angry when a woman forced them to make the fire out. They didn't know what to eat, but they obey. In the middle of the night one of the boys was hungry and wanted to put a fire on.

     When he looked for a lid he felt that the metho bottle has fallen over. But it was too late. The metho began to burn. The three boys tried to put out the fire but the wind blew too strong. So they pack their things and started to run away. The three boys knew that they had done something wrong and went to the police.

     We don't know yet which punishment they will get. The bush fire in Tinley is under control.


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