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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Bildungssystem usa (englisch)

USA / In the USA there isn't a national education system, which is settled by the government - except for the Military Academies. Relevant for the education is every single state. Every state makes its own laws, which leads to huge problems between the educations of different states. Only the compulsory education of 12 years is the same. Every state charges that teenager visit school till they're 16 or 18.

In the USA there are National- and Private Schools. The majority (more than 90%) visit one of the 89.599 National Schools. There isn't the same curriculum. Only some subjects like maths, literature and science are toughed in every school. At some schools pupils learn how to handle the PC and how to cook or something like that.

The American school-system is subdivided in 3 parts:

- Elementary School (Grundschule)

- High School (Sekundarschule)

- University or college

At the age of 3 children visit the Pre-School and then when they're 5 years old the kinder garden.

At the age of 6 they are put to the 1st class of the Elementary School. Elementary School goes up to 5th or 6th class.

Then pupils change to Junior High- or Middle School which contains 7th and 8th class. The pupils have more freedom and can choose what they want to do (choir or foreign languages).

After that they go to the High School, which goes from 9th to 12th class. There, pupils are called: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior. High School's size is different. Schools with 600 persons every age group isn't rare.

Who wants to visit an university has to do an exam at 11th class has to apply.


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