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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Übersicht über die zeitformen

The tenses of the main verbs (active form)


Signal words/ examples

Use of the tense(rules)



I write/ He writes.



Be (is, am, are)+ -ing

I am wiriting.
Often, sometimes, always, usually, never

I know some godd games.


Now, at the moment

It´s 4 o`clock now.

Peter is doing his homework.
-to describe things that happen regulary, never, sometimes (adverbs of frequency)

-to describe a state/situation


-to speak about an actioen that is in progress (im Verlauf) at the moment

Present perfect

Have/has + past participle

I have written.



Have/has been + ing-form

He has been waiting.
Just, already, yet, never, ever

I have just finished my homework.

She has never seen an elephant.



i have known him for two years/ since 1998.



jane has been writing letters for three hours/ since 2 o`clock.
-to say that sth.has happened. The result is important, not the time.


-with verbs that describe a state, not an activity. It started in the past and has gone up to the present.


-to say that an action/activity started in the past an is still going on now.



-second form(ing)

repaired, wrote



I was writing

Past of"be"+ ing
Yesterday, ago, (last), in 1970

I met him yesterday.

When did you met him?

It was a stormy day.

A man knocked on the door an opened it.


Yesterday at 8 o`clock I was writing a letter.

I was doing my homework when my mother came home.
-to say when sth.has happened(in the past)

-to ask when, where, why sth.happened

-to tell a story


-to speak about an action that was in progress at a certain time in the past

Past perfect
Had + past participle

I had written.

-1Handlung fand vor einem Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit statt bzw.hatte noch einen gewissen Einfluss auf ihn

-2Handlungen/Ereignisse in Vergangenheit:

1.past perfect, 2.simple past


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