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Arnie's career as actor

In 1970 Arnold plays his first role in a film called Hercules in New York. This film has an extremely bad story, and it's Arnold's first role in a film. He performs bad, he doesn't even know, how to speak English in a right way. His pronunciation is very horrible, that's why his voice has to be synchronized. 3 years later he gets once again a role in a film called The long Goodbye. His function is very simple: He is the leader of a gang who fights against everyone. Bad actors, bad story. That's why Arnold Schwarzenegger decides to retreat temporary of the film-business.
After his last but one Mr. Olympia title he decided to switch the business once again because in 1976 the director Joe Sante wanted to make a film about a body builder, who took part in a Body-Building Competition and found a woman he loved. Arnold was the perfect actor for this role. The film was called Mr. Universe/stay hungry. 1977 he becomes the Golden Globe in the section "Best Newcomer of the Year" for the role in the film Stay Hungry. In the same year he becomes an offer to play himself in a documentation. This was the perfect chance for him to show to the public that a body-builder also has emotions though all those muscles. Critics were positively surprised, and saw that Arnold Schwarzenegger, formerly Mr. Olympia, is a fantastic actor too. After the flop The villain, Arnold Schwarzenegger had no offers for films anymore. Perhaps it was very boring, so he won the Mr. Olympia title once again. One year later he played the main-role in the film Conan the Barbarian. He plays a slaved fighter who desires for revenge on Thulsa Doom, because he killed his parents when he was a child. For Arnold this was the first serious film, where he made much experience. The continuation of Conan the barbarian was Conan the destroyer. A film, which sets more on action than his predecessors.
One year later Arnold risks his reputation as he plays the role of the bad guy in the low-budget film Terminator directed by James Cameron. He has luck, because the film is really successful. The film is voted among the ten best films of the century. The success of Terminator catapults Arnold between the most famous, popular and desired stars in Hollywood. Because of films like Commando (1985), Raw Deal (1986), Predator (1986), Running Man (1987) and Red Heat (1988) Arnold's reputation changed into the best action-film-actor in his time. But Arnold also acts in comedies like Twins (1989), together with Danny DeVito, and Kindergarten Cop (1990). But 1990 he made the film Total Recall, a futuristic Thriller, too. In my opinion this film has the best story of all films in which Arnold Schwarzenegger played. At the end you do not know what was dreamed, and what was reality.
His greatest commercial success so far was Terminator 2 - The Judgment Day (1992), a continuation of the low-budget film of the year 1984. Worldwide, Terminator 2 brought in over 500 million dollars. Furthermore Last Action Hero (1994), True Lies (1994), Junior (1996), Eraser (1996), Jingle All The Way (1997), Batman & Robin (1999), End of Days (1999) and The Sixth Day (2000) were also absolutely prospering.


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