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Future prospects of the gps

1. Atom
2. Motor


'Nowadays everyone has to know, how late it is. In the future nobody will get along without the determination of his exact location.' A new chip generation has to be created for this purpose. For the fulfilment of this task it is essential that the size of this chip has to be small and be available for a reasonable price (size: 49 square millimetres, price: approx. 10 $).

These are technical and economic conditions for surface covering of GPS use in mobile phones, PDAs and clocks. It is possible to integrate a satellite detection system in nearly each electronic component.

'The chances for development are tremendous. We aren't able to foresee all possible kinds of application like the development of computers 20 years ago, of the internet 10 years ago.'

New frequencies for civil users

How will GPS continue?

In February 1997 the American Department of Defence (DoD) and the Department of Transportation (DoT) announced a second GPS-frequency for civil use. Meanwhile the DoD announced to give civil users access to the L2 frequency, too. Nowadays this frequency is limited for military use.

On March 30,1998 vice president Gore announced that a second civil frequency in the L2 band (1227,6 MHz) and an additional third civil frequency would be made available. The structure of the third frequency hasn`t been announced.

GPS-satellites broadcast 3 different frequencies:

Ø L1-frequency (1575.42 MHz) for civil use

Ø L2-frequency (1227.6 MHz), exclusively used for military purposes in former times, but nowadays it can be used by all GPS devices

Ø L3 -frequency (1381.05 MHz) for the NDS (Nuclear detonation Detection system)

Which use can the civil user expect from the third frequency?

An essential improvement of the measured value accuracy can be achieved by the new frequency with the real time measuring procedure. Users will have the biggest advantage, because of the increased range with DGPS (differential GPS) measurement (today: 10 - 20km to 100 - 200km).

The analogue signal will be replaced by digital ones (DAB Digitally Audio Broadcasting).

When will the new frequencies be available?

In the last two years various block IIF satellites were launched to their proper position in orbit. They were planned to be launched in 1998. They are able to broadcast the new L3-frequency. The DoD plans to complete the system till 2009. Every year the administration plans to position 3 new satellites.

However, it is to consider that the replacement of the existing satellites represents only a financial, not a technical problem. If the new system is a great use to individual users (e.g. aviation, navigation etc..), it is possible that these users contribute to the financing.

future development

Ø 2004: IIR-M block satellites

-M-code: military use on L1 and L2

-L2C: civil use on L2

availability of the second signal and higher accuracy

Ø 2006 beginning: IIF block satellite

-new carriers L3: only civil use

third civil signal, availability, accuracy

View on future application possibilities

Remote monitoring, detection and security of dangerous goods transport, vehicles e.g. ships, cars, agricultural machinery and airplanes.

On airplanes an electronic wall is animated around the relevant object for the prevention by terrorist attacks on buildings and persons. If an airplane breaks through this virtual barrier, a computer registers that and switches irrevocably the autopilots on. Now the airplane is brought on the fastest way out of the danger zone, without a danger for the object.

Future prospect GALILEO

Ø own European system *

Ø should be more efficient and surely than the GPS

Ø 30 satellites, world-wide

Ø 1 meter exactly

Ø phases

-Development phase 2002-2005

-Establishment phase 2006-2007

-starting from 2008

*according to news of the day reports American armed forces will be able to switch off likewise in crisis and conflicts the European satellite navigation system GALILEO, like it already happens with the American global positioning system (GPS).


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